The European Comprehensive Cancer Center Network

As a successor to the Joint Action CraNE, which ended in September 2024, the Joint Action “European Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers” (EUnetCCC) was launched in October 2024. The aim of the European network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC) is to connect CCC structures across Europe in order to provide all patients with access to high-quality research and care structures. The network will serve to establish research and care structures in the exchange of best practice, resources and research results in the Member States.

Work Package 9 „Support the implementation of Comprehensive Cancer Care Networks (CCCNs) to ensure comprehensive, high-quality” will be led by the German Cancer Society (DKG). In addition DKG also participates in Work Package 8 „Development and Implementation of Network Activities“ in three sub-tasks.

Work Package 8, led by the Oslo University Hospital in Norway, the Karolinska CCC in Sweden and the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă” Cluj-Napoca in Romania, addresses the development and implementation of network activities in CCCs. The DKG department „Health Services Research“ is involved in the Sub-Tasks 8.2.2, 8.2.5 and 8.2.7, which address the topics of primary and secondary prevention, secondary data utilization and cancer survivorship. A special focus will be placed on the needs and existing care services for cancer survivors throughout the entire patient pathway.

Work Package 9, led by DKG department „European and International Affairs“ in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health National Institute of Hygiene-National Research Institute (NIZP PZH-PIB) in Warsaw, will further develop the tumour-specific Comprehensive Cancer Care Network (CCCN) approach, which is based on the DKG’s Organ Cancer Centre model, and implement it together with the project partners in 14 pilot networks in 9 countries.


October 2024 – September 2028




PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski

Sophie Schellack

Dr. rer. medic. Ellen Grießhammer

Nele Grapentin