The objective and mandate of the ECC Certification System is the establishment of a certified network in which patients are treated in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and multi-professional manner on the basis of evidence-based guidelines. The quality of treatment within the network is recorded, evaluated and used for ongoing quality improvements as part of the audit processes.
The annual benchmarking reports provide an overview of the quality of cancer care at the certified Cancer Centers in the respective reporting year. The basis for the data depicted in the Annual Report are based on the Data Sheet, which is part of the Catalogue of Requirements.
Certified Cancer Centres are well suited to conduct Health Services Research (HSR), providing various uniform documentation standards and an infrastructure that enables research. HSR studies health care structures and processes and evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of new health care under routine conditions. It is thus essential in further developing the care of cancer patients.
In this section you find original publications with the participation of the German Cancer Society in scientific journals and edited volumes.