

The project aims to provide men with stress incontinence following radical prostatectomy with the necessary aids and therapies. The main goal is to reduce the care deficit of this patient group with the help of an online intervention service (ProKontinenz) and to sustainably improve their quality of life by providing them with more information. Through better information, patients should be able to access a greater variety of aids and also make more frequent use of incontinence surgery. Furthermore, the information provided should reduce the out-of-pocket costs for patients and reduce the overall costs of aids through the use of incontinence surgery.

Invoved Institutions
Technische Universität Dresden, Department of Urologie
German Cancer Society (DKG)
Working Group Versorgungsforschung, Qualität & Ökonomie by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie e. V. (DGU) Urologische Stiftung Gesundheit gGmbH der DGU e. V. Bundesverband Prostatakrebs Selbsthilfe e. V.

Innovation Committee of The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

January 2024 – August 2026

see publications

Sophie Schellack
PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski