The use of data available in health care and the generation of evidence through register-based studies is increasingly postulated. Best practice examples from oncology show that, in the sense of knowledge-generating health services research, guidelines can be reviewed with the help of register data, the effectiveness and quality of diagnostics and care can be evaluated and recommendations for guidelines and interventions can be made. The aim of the project is to develop a curriculum that provides (young) scientists with the necessary knowledge and methodological principles for conducting register-based studies and using health care data in registers. The content should include a basic understanding of the diversity of care and the health care system on the one hand and the possibilities and necessity of inter- and multidisciplinary evaluation and use of register data for the providers and those to be cared for on the other. Further training on the basis of the curriculum should enable participants to evaluate registry data for their validity and quality for research questions, to evaluate them in a context-appropriate, methodologically high-quality manner and to conduct sophisticated registry-based studies primarily in oncology (and possibly also in other disease areas in the future). The German Cancer Society is involved in the scientific advisory board.
Involved Institutions
Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Tumorzentren (ADT)
Scientific advisory board, among others with representatives from the German Cancer Society (DKG)
The Federal Ministry of Health
September 2021 – August 2024
see publications
PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski
PD Dr. med. Simone Wesselmann