Around 35% of all cancer cases occur at working age. An increasing proportion of cancer patients are able to return to work („RTW“) or remain (partially) at work during treatment, which is mainly due to improvements in treatment and early detection. A review of the international literature showed that around 62% (between 30 and 93%, depending on the country and type of disease) of cancer patients return to work within one to two years of diagnosis. The considerable differences in RTW are not only due to the different effects of tumor diseases and their treatments, but presumably also to other employee and job characteristics. Understanding the impact of these contextual factors on work ability and employment is particularly relevant in the context of long-term survival after cancer. The aim of the project is therefore to investigate the effect heterogeneity in the return to work of cancer patients in relation to job specifics.

Involved Institutions
German Cancer Society (DKG)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Onkologische Rehabilitation und Sozialmedizin (AGORS)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Soziale Arbeit in der Onkologie (ASO)
Leben nach Krebs! e. V.

Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Federal Pension Insurance)

January 2024 – June 2026

see publications

PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski
Johannes Soff