Work Package 8, Task 4
In October 2022, the Joint Action „Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres: Preparatory activities on creation of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres and EU-Networking“ (CraNE) started as succession to the Joint Action iPAAC, which ended in 2021. The aim of CraNE is to establish an EU-wide network of recognized Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) and to establish Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs). Within the project, the German Cancer Society will lead the work package 6 and will further participate in work package 8. In work package 6, the working group with representatives from 35 member organizations from 21 member states will develop and pilot recommendations using the example of lung cancer centers to establish and expand access to quality-assured oncology care in all member states. Furthermore, the working group will define and establish interfaces between care and research or CCCs and CCCNs.
Work package 8 assesses how CCCs organise cancer care in the real-world action of health systems at the regional and local level, assessing the use of molecular tumour boards, ways of translating research progress in the networks, survivorship issues associated with follow up and return to work and potential uses of real-world data. In task 4, led by the German Cancer Society, we will evaluate the risk factors related to the return to work for cancer survivors and the potential time points where and by whom in the network of providers this issue may be addressed. This task will be mainly based on a literature review.
Involved Institutions in Work Package 8
Lead: Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO)
1st YPE
French National Cancer Institute –Institut national du cancer (INCa)
German Cancer Aid Foundation (DKH)
German Cancer Society (DKG)
National Institute of Public Health National Institute of Hygiene – National Research Institute, Poland (NIZP-PZHI)
Oncology Institute „Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta“ Cluj – Napoca, Romania (IOCN)
Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI)
Oslo University Hospital (OUS)
Health Programme of the European Union
October 2022 – October 2024
see publications
Sophie Schellack
PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski
Dr. rer. medic. Clara Breidenbach