onko FDZ

onko FDZ

The consolidation of data from the nationwide clinical cancer registries (Klinische Krebsregister, KKR) established by law in Germany since 2014 (Section 65c SGB V) as a basis for mapping routine care for transparent reporting and evidence generation has long been a goal for local clinicians, researchers, politicians and large-scale initiatives such as the Decade Against Cancer or the National Cancer Plan. This project will use machine learning (ML) methods to link registry data from four federal states with data from the certified centers of the German Cancer Society, the centers of excellence in oncology (CCCs) and data from statutory health insurers (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherungen, GKV) in such a way that they generate evidence for therapy-relevant questions that are not available for randomized controlled trials or are not practicable to conduct. For colorectal cancer, for example, the project integrates KKR data with other care-related data, uses ML methods to quantify and take into account the preferences of those receiving treatment and answers highly relevant questions at a high methodological level for which the S3 guideline on colorectal cancer is currently unable to provide any or any evidence-based recommendations. The procedures established in the project for data harmonization, integration and ML-supported analysis in compliance with data protection regulations should be scalable for broad application and serve as a blueprint for a research infrastructure for cancer research in Germany.

Involved institutions
Zentrum für Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung (ZEGV) –
Technische Universität Dresden Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Tumorzentren e. V. (ADT)
German Cancer Society (DKG)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher DKG-zertifizierter Darmkrebszentren (addz e. V.)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Hessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im Gesundheitswesen, Abt. IV Hessisches Krebsregister
Klinisches Krebsregister für Brandenburg und Berlin gGmbH
Klinikum Chemnitz gemeinnützige GmbH – Klinisches Krebsregister Chemnitz
Klinisches Krebsregister Dresden
Klinisches Krebsregister Leipzig
Südwestsächsisches Tumorzentrum Zwickau e. V., Klinisches Krebsregister Zwickau
OnkoZert GmbH
Medizinische Klinik 2, Klinikum der Goethe Universität, Fachbereich Medizin
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Universität Regensburg
TU Dresden, Zentrum für Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung (ZEGV) und Unabhängige Treuhandstelle (THS)

Associated cooperation partners
Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen Dresden
Robert Koch-Institut (Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten)
Deutsche ILCO e. V., Bundesverband

German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)

September 2022 – August 2025

see publications

PD Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Kowalski
Johannes Soff