07/23: Kick-off CSA CCI4EU WP2
Kick-off CSA CCI4EU WP2
On 26 June 2023 the work package 2 (WP) „Definition of Criteria for Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs) using a Maturity Model (MM)“ under the leadership of the DKG had its online kick-off meeting with support from colleagues from Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre and Technische Universität Dresden. Over the next three years, the working group with representatives from 31 partner organisations from 14 member states will develop in collaboration with other stakeholders and partners, a joint understanding, definition and scope of CCIs along with a set of criteria to assess and improve CCIs in all member states. The defined quality criteria will be integrated into a maturity model that will serve as a framework for assessing the maturity level of the individual CCIs. This model will also make it possible to identify tailor-made measures to increase and improve the maturity level of the respective CCIs.
We are looking forward to a great collaboration within WP2 and all the other partners within the CSA CCI4EU. The next WP2 meeting will take place online on 16 October 2023.