10/22: New Joint Action CraNE
In October 2022, the Joint Action „Creation of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres and EU-Networking“ (CraNE) started as a successor to the JA iPAAC, which ended in December 2021.
The aim of CraNE is to establish an EU network of recognised Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCC) on the basis of so-called Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCI). These are to ensure that 90 percent of European cancer patients have access to high-quality, quality-assured oncological care. In the project, the German Cancer Society and the European Cancer Centre Programme will take over the leadership of the work package „Organisation of high-quality cancer care in Comprehensive Cancer Care Networks (CCCN)“. Over the next two years, the working group with representatives from 35 member organisations from 21 member states will develop and pilot recommendations using the example of lung cancer centres in order to establish and expand access to quality-assured oncological care in all member states. Furthermore, the working group will define and establish interfaces between care and research and between CCCs and CCCNs.